Tuesday, May 25, 2021

Understanding The Divorce Process In Toronto

Filing for divorce can be a detailed process depending on the nature of the circumstance, the amicability of each party towards reaching agreements, whether the couple has minor children, financial investments, and so on. People often have questions about what to expect during the process, how fast they can get divorced, and what happens to marital assets in the process.


To help answer these questions, we are going to cover a general overview of the divorce process. For more detailed steps in the process or unique situations, we recommend calling our Toronto family law firm to speak with one of our Toronto divorce lawyers directly.

Step 1: Hire a Toronto Divorce Lawyer

To ensure your divorce proceeds as best and as efficiently as possible with minimal delays and other issues, it is best to hire a qualified lawyer in Toronto to handle your divorce.

Step 2: File the Application for Divorce

Your lawyer will prepare and file the Application for divorce with the court. The other party will be served and given time to respond to the filing. You will then have a chance to provide a Reply to this Response. These are called Pleadings. Typically, once the pleadings are filed, a First Appearance date is scheduled by the Court. At this appearance date, barring any specific issues or circumstances of the case, an initial Case Conference date would then be scheduled.

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